Long Island Community Foundation: Social Change - Long Island Unitarian Universalist (LIUU) Fund Grant

From The New York Community Trust

As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

Type of Support


The LIUUF grant program is dedicated to fostering social change by supporting nonprofit organizations that work in specific areas: Immigrant Rights, Community Organizing, GLBT Advocacy, Educational Equity, Racial Equity/Justice, Legal/Legislative Advocacy, Leadership Development, Environmental Justice, and Women's Rights. Through its grants, LIUUF endeavors to empower marginalized communities, level the societal playing field, and contribute to making Long Island a place of equal opportunity and peace for all its inhabitants.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NY (Nassau County, Suffolk County)
Organization Type
Public charities
Groups sponsored by a public charity
  • Focus on Long Island but open to organizations headquartered outside the region
  • Grantees (or fiscal agents) must have a board of directors with at least five members.
  • No more than one paid board member.


Long Island Unitarian Universalist congregations
Organizations receiving grants from either Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, Unitarian Universalist Association Funding Program, or Long Island Unitarian Universalist Fund simultaneously
Projects for general operating support
Capital and building campaigns
Concerts, plays, or similar events
Equipment purchases
Deficit financing
Religious purposes
5k – 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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