Giving Back 365 Grant

From Watertown Area Community Foundation

The Watertown Area Community Foundation invests in the vitality and future of Watertown by supporting community priorities, responding to human service needs, and enhancing recreation, education, arts, and culture. It promotes philanthropy, administers charitable gifts, makes grants to local nonprofits, partners with local organizations, and invests strategically in the community, with a focus on leadership, forward-thinking, and encouraging community involvement.

Type of Support


The Watertown Area Community Foundation's grants focus on improving the quality of life in Watertown by promoting charity, education, and culture. It supports a broad range of causes including Arts and Culture, Education, Environment, Health and Human Services, and Youth Programs. The foundation encourages philanthropy at all levels and responds to the community's changing needs and opportunities, making strategic investments to fulfill its mission. The "Giving Back 365" program highlights an endowed fund approach, ensuring a permanent charitable account grows over time to support annual grant-making efforts.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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