Local Grants - Community Savings Account Grants

    From South Dakota Community Foundation

    The South Dakota Community Foundation aims to simplify philanthropy and maximize charitable contributions' impact within South Dakota. By helping donors leverage tax benefits, managing administrative details, and investing donations wisely, the Foundation seeks to ensure donations support the state's good causes long-term. They manage over $630 million for more than 1,050 endowed funds, offering grants and support to nonprofits, and serving as a philanthropic resource across the state.

    Type of Support


    The Community Savings Account Grants by the South Dakota Community Foundation focus on connecting nonprofits with funding to support their missions, enhancing quality of life and meeting basic needs within South Dakota communities. These grants are sourced from Community Savings Accounts (CSAs), which are local investment funds designed to provide a sustainable funding source for charitable causes within a community. Dollars raised through CSAs stay local and grow over time, ensuring that communities can thrive and prosper indefinitely. Nonprofits can apply for these grants through their local CSA advisory committee, each of which has its own application process.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip excepteur
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Officia nisi enim reprehenderit commodo minim laboris consequat dolore
    • amet proident nulla Lorem duis laborum adipisicing
    • Lorem esse dolore ex cupidatat ut minim in cillum
    • exercitation anim enim ad ex elit voluptate laboris mollit proident magna


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    Eiusmod tempor enim ea consectetur
    Commodo incididunt proident nisi enim cupidatat
    not specified


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