South Dakota Fund Grants

From South Dakota Community Foundation

The South Dakota Community Foundation aims to simplify philanthropy and maximize charitable contributions' impact within South Dakota. By helping donors leverage tax benefits, managing administrative details, and investing donations wisely, the Foundation seeks to ensure donations support the state's good causes long-term. They manage over $630 million for more than 1,050 endowed funds, offering grants and support to nonprofits, and serving as a philanthropic resource across the state.

Type of Support


The South Dakota Fund Grants program is dedicated to awarding financial support to nonprofit and charitable organizations within South Dakota that are engaged in promoting cultural activities, economic development, educational initiatives, financial literacy, health improvement, and human services. The grants, overseen and distributed by the SDCF Board of Directors, entertain requests typically ranging between $2,000 and $20,000, with occasional exceptions for amounts outside this spectrum based on the project's merits and impacts. The program encourages the submission of Letters of Inquiry throughout the year, promising to provide timely responses to all applicants.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Public, nonprofit organizations as defined by IRS Publication 78
Organizations with a verified fiscal sponsor
  • Projects must address South Dakota community needs
  • Funds available for both ongoing and innovative projects
  • Limited support for building, remodeling, and capital bricks and mortar projects; low priority
  • Does not fund transportation vehicles or equipment purchases over $10,000
  • Encourages matching funds from applicants
  • May require challenge grants for more local involvement
  • Funding may be contingent upon acquisition of matching funds
  • Can issue challenge grants to meet identified needs
  • Applications for startup must provide feasibility data
  • Collaborative applications from two or more organizations are considered
  • Support for financial literacy projects, including credit/debit education
  • Applicants can request funding for multiple projects within a 12-month period
  • Applicants can apply for more than $20,000


Political campaign supporters
Discriminatory practice participants
Individuals seeking personal gain
2k – 20k


Review Criteria

Proposals that employ salaried personnel yet substantially incorporate ongoing contributions from community volunteers to bolster their current initiatives are likely to receive positive consideration.