President’s Innovation and Partnership Fund Grant

The funder's mission focuses on addressing important community needs in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the 23 Native nations within that geography. The mission is achieved by partnering with public and philanthropic organizations to increase innovation, leverage significant partnerships, and quickly respond to emergency situations, thereby attracting additional resources to the region.

Type of Support


The President’s Innovation and Partnership Fund is a grant program designed to support short-term projects that increase innovation and create significant partnerships with other public and philanthropic organizations. It allows for flexibility in funding to address urgent and important community needs, specifically in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the 23 Native nations sharing this geography. The fund aims to: partner with local or national funders to boost community innovation and leadership; participate in key statewide and regional efforts to tackle serious community challenges; and leverage new resources to augment major Foundation initiatives. This program occasionally makes grants outside its usual scope to act swiftly in emergencies or to help draw other resources to the region.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 150k


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