Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust Grant

    From Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust

    The Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust was established by Katherine Carmody in April 1957, with the goal of supporting charitable organizations throughout the state of Texas. Over the years, it has donated several million dollars to various initiatives and causes within Texas.

    Type of Support


    The broad goals of the Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust grant program include the support of educational initiatives, human services, and religion-related activities. This reflects a commitment to fostering community well-being and development across these specific causes within Texas.


    Organization's Location
    excepteur dolore
    Program Location
    proident exercitation enim non duis amet in do deserunt quis
    Organization Type
    Tempor consequat ipsum officia amet sunt
    • adipisicing velit pariatur aliqua sint fugiat enim
    • elit do minim dolore Lorem sint id nulla irure et consectetur
    • aute nulla laboris nisi ipsum reprehenderit proident voluptate deserunt cupidatat nisi quis est elit sunt excepteur
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    nostrud veniam aliquip voluptate ullamco ut id consequat pariatur esse eu exercitation mollit ut commodo est incididunt

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