The Kelly Foundation

From The Kelly Foundation

The Kelly Foundation has a long history of recognition and support for the vitality and prosperity of the Greater Sacramento area. We envision a region where everyone has a chance to live in a safe and affordable home, has access to meaningful work, a sustainable environment, healthy food, and quality education, where each person’s ability to thrive is connected to the well-being of the community.

Type of Support


Our Grant Recipient Focus Areas

  • Children, Youth Assistance & Education
  • Food Insecurity
  • Homelessness
  • Health & Human Services
  • Conservation, Open Space and Climate
  • Emergency Grants


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Greater Sacramento Area, Northern California)
Organization Type


Religious organizations for explicit religious activities, as distinguished from social or educational activities
Political organizations or political campaigns
Fraternal organizations, labor, societies, or orders
Telephone solicitations
National fund-raising efforts


You may submit applications every year.
Review Criteria

Our Key Criteria and Considerations

  • How many people will benefit from the project
  • How many local volunteers are supporting the organization and the project
  • The commitment and composition of the organization’s Board of Directors or Board of Trustees
  • The extent to which the applicant complements the services of other community organizations
  • The organization’s fiscal responsibility and management qualifications
  • The ability of the organization to provide ongoing funding after the term of the grant
  • The extent to which the program addresses underlying causes, rather than just symptoms of specific problems
  • How well the organization plans to monitor and evaluate the results of the projects

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