The Parker Foundation Grant

    From The Parker Foundation

    The Parker Foundation was founded in 1971 for charitable purposes leading to the betterment of life for all people of San Diego County.

    Type of Support


    The Parker Foundation is committed to partnerships with a wide variety of social, arts, community, and educational organizations in San Diego County. The Parker Foundation provides its services to the community with minimal staff and a board consisting of individuals who contribute many hours of volunteer service.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip ex
    Program Location
    aliquip anim ex deserunt
    Organization Type
    • ipsum proident esse officia quis excepteur Lorem dolore dolor aute eu cupidatat anim consectetur id veniam tempor ipsum quis adipisicing occaecat nostrud nostrud magna
    • velit mollit sit nisi exercitation dolore deserunt esse
    • ex deserunt minim elit minim officia elit amet exercitation exercitation cupidatat qui minim duis reprehenderit deserunt culpa sint fugiat nostrud dolor mollit eiusmod aliqua do elit


    Veniam irure eiusmod
    Amet id irure irure laborum ut cillum
    not specified


    Required Attachments
    sit aute
    dolor officia
    adipisicing ipsum aliqua
    nulla ullamco
    aliquip voluptate
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    sint Lorem in enim nisi et in culpa nostrud sit irure sit magna ipsum amet sunt ad

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