Kinney Drugs Foundation Grant

    The Kinney Drugs Foundation is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives. It strives to provide a higher quality of life for everyone in the region by focusing on keeping people healthy.

    Type of Support


    The Kinney Drugs Foundation's grant program aims to enrich the lives of families within the community by supporting various causes and organizations. Its broad goals include funding for the sick and disabled, disease research, promoting public awareness of health risks, disaster relief and humanitarian efforts, and children's charities. The foundation awards funding to both national organizations and local chapters, with a particular focus on supporting small-scale community organizations such as rescue squads, ambulance services, fire departments, food pantries, and libraries. Organizations interested in receiving donations must submit their requests in alignment with the foundation's mission and guidelines.


    Organization's Location
    velit nisi
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    not specified


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