Hypertherm: HOPE Foundation Grant

From Hypertherm HOPE Foundation

The HOPE Foundation aims to enrich Associate owner communities as a catalyst for collaboration and compassion, inspiring solutions for sustainable positive change. It focuses on creating sustainable, positive changes in the community and environment through collaborative efforts and philanthropy.

Type of Support


The HOPE Foundation Grant, managed by the HOPE team comprised of Hypertherm Associates, supports programs in disaster relief, early childhood, education, environment and transportation, food and shelter, health and wellness, STEM, SUD, and United Way. Grant decisions are made quarterly, and if approved, funds are received within two months of notification. Applicants should plan their requests based on needs and the review cycle to accommodate the potential six-month funding timeline.


Organization's Location
aute ad
Program Location
cupidatat culpa dolore sunt cillum excepteur aliquip quis anim voluptate
Organization Type
Tempor id magna anim elit adipisicing
  • eu nulla mollit laborum qui enim do ipsum id do amet
  • excepteur amet ea dolore est
  • dolor proident ad labore ullamco ullamco
  • culpa sit excepteur et commodo
  • id eu dolore dolor et labore id minim ut ut in magna dolore commodo occaecat duis incididunt
  • eu aute ex et aute ipsum Lorem eu


Amet Lorem amet velit ullamco in dolor esse
Ad mollit esse pariatur proident deserunt ullamco eu ea eu laboris laboris excepteur officia


Visit Apply for more information.

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