Kirkpatrick Foundation Small Grants

From Kirkpatrick Family Fund

The Kirkpatrick Family Fund's mission, inspired by John E. and Eleanor B. Kirkpatrick alongside their lineage, is to perpetuate their vision of enhancing the cultural and service community in central Oklahoma. This enduring legacy aims to foster a robust cultural landscape, promote health and well-being, and support the community through strategic philanthropy. The Fund operates with a commitment to nurturing excellence in programming, encouraging broad community participation, and fostering quality learning opportunities for both youth and adults.

Type of Support


The Kirkpatrick Foundation offers grants focusing on several critical areas: arts and culture, education, animal wellbeing, environmental conservation, and historic preservation. Their goal is to foster a thriving, culturally rich, and compassionate community in Central Oklahoma. Specifically, the Foundation supports:

  • Arts and cultural organizations and activities that add to the vibrancy of Oklahoma City.
  • Educational initiatives from pre-K to university level, including out-of-school programs, that aim to impact the city’s future positively.
  • Programs that improve the treatment and wellbeing of animals, with a vision to make Oklahoma the safest and most humane place for animals by 2032.
  • Environmental conservation efforts that promote awareness and actions towards soil health, freshwater protection, and making natural habitats accessible.
  • Historic preservation projects that help maintain and restore sites of historical significance, ensuring the preservation of Oklahoma's built environment.

The foundation reviews small grants monthly and advises applicants to allow 60 days for the review process.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OK (Canadian County, Cleveland County, Grady County, Kingfisher County, Lincoln County, Logan County, McClain County, Oklahoma County, Pottawatomie County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Serve Central Oklahoma, primarily the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, Oklahoma County and surrounding counties and communities
  • Maintain current financial records, providing a copy of the operational budget and a statement of financial position
  • Have a working board of directors, as well as management, governance, and accountability structures in place
  • Provide a list of board members and their affiliations
  • Demonstrate 100 percent board-member giving
  • Provide a three-year strategic plan
  • Organizations should have a three-year track record of programming


Lobbying organizations
Medical and/or health-related causes
Social services
Athletic programs
Capital campaigns
Multi-year projects
Indirect costs
Foundation fees
Financial deficits
Government entities
Organizations seeking funding in perpetuity
Fiscal sponsorships of non 501(c)(3) organizations
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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