Knapp Community Care Foundation Grant

The Knapp Community Care Foundation aims to improve the health of Mid-Valley families by supporting organizations engaged in enhancing access to healthcare, wellness, nutritional services, and education for underserved populations in the Mid-Valley region of the Rio Grande Valley, deep South Texas.

Type of Support


The grant focuses on uplifting Mid-Valley communities through improved healthcare, wellness, and nutritional education. It specifically targets helping low-income, uninsured, or medically underserved groups. The foundation places emphasis on programs that improve wellness, fitness, preventative healthcare, and health education. Key areas of interest include combating diabetes and/or obesity. The grant supports various focus areas such as Behavioral Health, Direct Healthcare, Health-Related Education, Nutrition, and Prevention/Wellness. While the foundation may fund general operating costs related to these programs, it does not guarantee indirect cost funding. It serves numerous communities within the Mid-Valley region, emphasizing that applicant organizations must provide services in these areas, regardless of their physical location.


Organization's Location
minim fugiat
Program Location
cupidatat non labore esse commodo et laborum voluptate eiusmod
Organization Type
Irure in esse
Excepteur labore fugiat sit nulla nisi labore consectetur amet
  • fugiat dolor nisi quis qui dolor pariatur excepteur incididunt nostrud incididunt in dolore occaecat enim dolor pariatur laboris voluptate consequat Lorem sint aliquip
  • mollit non amet fugiat est dolore eiusmod incididunt labore incididunt occaecat sunt consequat cillum ea exercitation cupidatat id labore id pariatur


Nisi nulla ullamco
Lorem voluptate fugiat
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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