CoServ Charitable Foundation Grant

From CoServ Charitable Foundation

The CoServ Charitable Foundation, established in 2004, aims to improve lives in North Texas and beyond. It has provided nearly $16 million in aid through grants to nonprofit organizations and education foundations. The foundation focuses on meeting basic human needs, promoting community vitality, and supporting education, with a strong commitment to helping those in greatest need.

Type of Support


The CoServ Charitable Foundation grants are designed to support a broad spectrum of activities that align with three key goals: meeting basic human needs, promoting community vitality, and supporting education. Specifically, the foundation funds efforts to fill food pantries, assist with utility bills, supply equipment for first responders, provide meals, and support individuals escaping human trafficking. Grants prioritize access to food, warmth, basic health and social services, support for children and disaster response, enhancing community quality of life, prioritizing public safety and self-sufficiency, assisting veterans, and promoting education in STEM and trades for those most in need.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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