Powell Foundation Grant Program

From Powell Foundation

The Powell Foundation dedicates its efforts to ensure that children, youth, and families have access to educational and community resources that support their well-being and success. By investing in areas such as education across all levels, conservation, the arts, and human services, the foundation aims to nurture healthy development, environmental stewardship, artistic engagement, and community empowerment. Through a strategic focus on early childhood development, quality public schools, post-secondary success, and supportive communities, their mission is to foster an environment where every individual has the opportunity to flourish and contribute to a vibrant, equitable society.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on several key areas to support its broad goals:

  1. Early Childhood Development & Education: Grants support high-quality programs that promote early learning, skill-building, and caregiver support to ensure school readiness and long-term success.

  2. Quality Public K-12 Schools: Investments aim to enhance educational quality through excellent educators, student supports, and innovative school models to prepare students for future success.

  3. Post-secondary Pathways to Success: The foundation supports efforts to increase access to and success in post-secondary education that leads to meaningful employment, including academic preparedness and post-secondary persistence.

  4. Aligned Cradle-to-Career Education System: This area focuses on creating a seamless educational pathway through effective policies, programs, and systems that support students throughout their educational journey.

  5. Supportive Communities: The foundation invests in

  • The Arts: Expanding access to arts education and cultural experiences, especially in underserved areas, and promoting diversity in the arts.
  • Conservation: Supporting conservation education, connecting people to nature, and addressing environmental challenges to benefit current and future generations.
  • Human Services: Enhancing community well-being by providing resources and support for food security, housing, and mental/behavioral health, especially for vulnerable populations.

These grants aim to address critical needs and challenges in education and community well-being, with a strong commitment to equity, access, and quality.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Consequat nostrud dolore laborum tempor dolore nulla cillum amet labore nisi nulla magna
Labore minim
Ex nulla
Est deserunt est
  • consequat nulla aliquip mollit elit quis veniam ea reprehenderit
  • deserunt cillum ut in esse aute et adipisicing aliqua quis aute
  • excepteur amet dolor ea consequat aute excepteur labore minim sint consectetur
  • quis ut Lorem non quis in fugiat et incididunt deserunt excepteur qui culpa dolore non dolore laboris commodo nulla


Laboris nisi ut est
Ad aliquip
Sint elit et
Sit nulla mollit quis pariatur nisi
Anim irure eu commodo deserunt ullamco consectetur ullamco
Sint dolore ipsum commodo aliquip dolor duis veniam nostrud minim
Nisi deserunt ullamco proident quis qui amet
not specified


Step 1: tempor aliquip
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: occaecat nulla (magna culpa)

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