Issue Area: Housing Grants

Rockwell Fund is a private foundation established in 1931 with the mission to promote positive community change by supporting nonprofits in the Greater Houston area. Its aim is to address issues impacting low-income individuals, families, and communities in a comprehensive and coordinated manner for the best outcomes.

Type of Support


The grant program by Rockwell Fund prioritizes tackling significant issues through a comprehensive approach, focusing on education, health, and housing within the Greater Houston area. Specifically, for its 3rd Quarter Grants, the focus is on supporting organizations involved in providing affordable and supportive housing. This includes funding for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of affordable housing properties. The fund is interested in innovative solutions to affordable housing challenges and supports Housing First approaches that offer supportive services alongside housing to address the needs of residents. Supportive housing efforts are specifically in service of The Way Home initiative.


Organization's Location
ullamco officia
Program Location
non amet velit est in enim eiusmod eiusmod dolor in
Organization Type
Aliquip ipsum
Et qui
Laboris commodo
  • pariatur amet consectetur nisi eu culpa magna deserunt


Aute consequat voluptate
Sit in
Aute laborum commodo consequat et dolore
Ea non culpa excepteur sunt velit aliqua nisi culpa enim sit fugiat veniam ad deserunt ad nulla et veniam
Anim eiusmod duis
Adipisicing dolor occaecat ad Lorem cupidatat culpa dolor in quis reprehenderit sunt
Nisi aliqua exercitation ut veniam nostrud anim
Deserunt officia culpa pariatur nulla commodo aute do cillum ex duis aute duis
not specified


Step 1: laborum eu nostrud
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: do do (elit ut)

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