Laura M. Smedley Trust Fund Grant

From Laura M. Smedley Trust Fund

The Laura M. Smedley Trust Fund is specifically focused on serving the Venango County, PA, area. This mission summary is not provided, but the focus on a geographic area suggests a dedication to local development and support.

Type of Support


The grant program supported by the Laura M. Smedley Trust Fund aims to back projects and programs in Venango County, PA, that align with several key principles:

  • Support year-round programming that benefits the community.
  • Provide direct services to individuals that mirror the organization's core social mission.
  • Address community needs where a clear demand is demonstrated.
  • Target broad impact initiatives or those benefiting underserved populations.
  • Require measurable outcomes, with plans for documenting results and ensuring long-term sustainability.
  • Look for projects with diversified income sources and effective financial accountability.
  • Encourage collaboration with other organizations to amplify impact.
  • Avoid duplicating the efforts of other non-profits, favoring complementary projects.
  • Preference is given to organizations that have been operational for at least three years and to programs or projects that can show at least one year of impactful operation with measurable results before applying.


Organization's Location
amet elit
Program Location
dolor laborum laborum
Organization Type
Quis voluptate cupidatat mollit mollit nisi


Cupidatat adipisicing reprehenderit fugiat anim eiusmod mollit aliquip ut mollit duis sint duis dolor pariatur ullamco ea sint non tempor anim
Occaecat adipisicing ullamco
Ex consequat consectetur labore
Cillum qui ad id sit
Ullamco est
Nostrud occaecat
Voluptate nulla sit eu
Cillum irure eu reprehenderit incididunt
Est nisi eiusmod eiusmod quis
not specified


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