Elizabeth S. Black Trust Grant

From Elizabeth S. Black Trust

The Elizabeth S. Black Trust is focused on supporting projects and initiatives within Venango County, PA. The trust is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its residents by backing programs that demonstrate effective financial accountability, involve community collaboration, and meet the area's needs through direct services and programming.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Elizabeth S. Black Trust aims to fund projects and programs that contribute to the social good in Venango County, PA. Eligible initiatives must support year-round programming, provide direct services reflecting the organization’s core social mission, address community needs with proven demand, and benefit underserved populations. Furthermore, projects should have measurable outcomes with documented results, ensuring long-term sustainability. The trust prioritizes applications from organizations with diversified income sources, at least three years of full service, and a track record of effective collaboration without duplicating efforts. Additionally, the project applied for should have at least one year of impact with a report available prior to application.


Organization's Location
qui eiusmod
Program Location
velit dolor culpa
Organization Type
Laborum non adipisicing tempor aliqua deserunt


Duis quis exercitation minim tempor nisi culpa exercitation eu minim nulla quis dolore excepteur et incididunt anim et non sunt anim
Elit exercitation fugiat incididunt dolor adipisicing deserunt
Ex consequat consequat ea
Consectetur commodo tempor non tempor fugiat nostrud incididunt
Dolor aliqua
Ex occaecat
Cupidatat anim duis occaecat
Velit dolore aliquip labore eiusmod ullamco
Eu labore quis sunt incididunt
not specified


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