The Leland Fikes Foundation, established in 1954 by Leland Fikes, a distinguished figure in oil, gas, and real estate, is a private grantmaking entity based in Dallas, Texas. Historically funding a wide range of initiatives, the Foundation has in recent years focused its efforts on supporting organizations within four key areas: reproductive health, rights, and justice; civic engagement; local human services in the Dallas area; and medical research. Its mission emphasizes the advancement of equity, particularly racial equity, across all its grantmaking priorities.
The Leland Fikes Foundation's grant program is designed to support organizations involved in Dallas-area human services, addressing crucial community needs such as housing, food, employment, and physical and mental health. They encourage organizations new to them or those not currently receiving grants to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) as a preliminary step in the application process, with a specific timeline for submission relative to grant deadlines. The foundation reviews LOIs weekly and allows organizations to submit once per calendar year, emphasizing a structured approach towards grant consideration and prioritization for the following quarter or year based on submission timing.