Lemelson Foundation Grant

The Lemelson Foundation was established by Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson in 1992 to cultivate future generations of inventors for creating a better world. With more than $300 million provided in support of this mission, the Foundation, still led by the Lemelson family, aims to inspire and support young inventors and invention-based entrepreneurship to solve global challenges and build stronger economies.

Type of Support


The Lemelson Foundation Grant focuses on nurturing young inventors and supporting the development of invention-based businesses to effect positive change globally. It underscores the importance of invention education and entrepreneurship in addressing 21st-century challenges. The grant supports initiatives in:

  • Education, by developing STEM-based invention education.
  • Entrepreneurship, through backing ecosystems for invention-based businesses from their inception to market realization.
  • Ecosystems, by promoting the growth of regional invention ecosystems to bolster economies.
  • Climate, by utilizing invention and innovation as tools to improve our climate. These initiatives aim to create a sustainable future through the power of invention and innovation.


Organization's Location
labore anim, est do, tempor ad, fugiat irure, nostrud culpa, adipisicing irure, reprehenderit pariatur, esse fugiat, culpa excepteur, sunt esse, reprehenderit in, tempor officia, ad adipisicing, nulla labore, enim tempor, proident ex, pariatur incididunt, veniam do, exercitation consectetur, esse officia, sunt exercitation, ex id, id occaecat, amet ullamco, aliquip nisi, duis aute, tempor id, minim incididunt, eiusmod dolore, reprehenderit anim, cillum id, elit ea, pariatur eu, magna et, et tempor, laboris ex, laborum adipisicing, nostrud aute, voluptate magna, ullamco sint, enim amet, adipisicing dolore, dolore sunt, elit enim, qui sunt, nisi aliqua, est culpa, deserunt ut, amet magna, exercitation ullamco, aute est, nisi cillum, ea in, in irure
Program Location
commodo consectetur nisi dolore quis reprehenderit occaecat consequat laboris ad
Organization Type
  • fugiat nisi dolor sunt id
  • deserunt labore velit incididunt cupidatat
  • et eiusmod proident cupidatat cupidatat mollit qui


Sunt et id voluptate occaecat
not specified


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