Levin Family Foundation Grant

From Levin Family Foundation

The Levin Family Foundation supports agencies in Dayton and surrounding areas that feed, clothe, educate, and provide health related support to those in need.

Type of Support


The Levin Family Foundation supports agencies in Dayton and surrounding areas that feed, clothe, educate, and provide health related support to those in need.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Dayton)
Organization Type


Political or advocacy groups
Fiscal agents and other “umbrella” oranizations that provide funding to non-profits
not specified


Step 1: Pre-proposal
Step 2: Letter of Inquiry (invite only)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Contact info
(937) 223-1669
Review Criteria

To evaluate a proposal, the following questions are considered:

  • Is this organization uniquely suited to meet the challenge of the proposal?
  • How do the activities of the organization benefit the community?
  • Will the program be carried out in a efficient and effective manner?
  • Is the budget complete and realistic?
  • Are the objectives measurable?

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