Robert O. and AnnaMae Orr Family Foundation Grant

The Robert O. and AnnaMae Orr Family Foundation aims to improve the quality of life in its community through philanthropy and good deeds. It focuses on funding education, human services, health, and cultural pursuits, but also considers innovative programs that contribute to community enhancement. The Foundation primarily supports organizations in Summit and Stark Counties, Ohio, granting aid to those with tax-exempt status.

Type of Support


The Robert O. and AnnaMae Orr Family Foundation Grant supports a wide range of programs annually, with a particular emphasis on education, human services, health, and cultural initiatives. However, it remains open to funding innovative programs that significantly improve community life. The grant process is designed to consider requests six times a year, allowing applicants to submit their requests at any time. Organizations eligible for this grant must be located in Summit or Stark Counties, Ohio, and must have tax-exempt status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)3.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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