Liberty Mutual Foundation- Discretionary Grants

Established in 2003, the Liberty Mutual Foundation supports communities where it operates. It aims to utilize the expertise, leadership, and financial strength of Liberty Mutual Insurance and its employees to improve the lives of vulnerable neighbors. The foundation focuses on empowering families and individuals facing hardships, primarily in Greater Boston, Greater Puget Sound, and select counties in Washington State. It emphasizes safety, resilience, educational opportunities, and workforce access.

Type of Support


The Liberty Mutual Foundation's grant-making priorities aim to enhance security, resilience, and opportunity for people and communities in need, especially in specified regions. The Foundation concentrates on three strategic goals: creating safe and secure environments, providing access to educational and workforce opportunities, and building climate-resilient communities. It supports nonprofit organizations through different types of funding, including program grants, capital, and operating support, on a discretionary rolling basis. Special emphasis is placed on programs for youth, low-income families and individuals, and people with disabilities, covering various areas such as basic human services, self-sufficiency, education, and health and safety improvements. The Foundation prioritizes educational programs that help disadvantaged youth excel and become successful, as well as health and human service initiatives aimed at enhancing community quality of life and safety. It offers general operating support, program support, and capital funding, tailoring financial assistance to closely align with its philanthropic goals and the missions of its grantees.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • consectetur sint dolor magna elit dolore ex nulla incididunt occaecat sint laboris aute nostrud


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Review Criteria

officia labore dolore tempor Lorem mollit ad mollit ad nulla reprehenderit sint adipisicing labore cupidatat quis cupidatat ipsum do proident occaecat veniam do ut excepteur labore sint sit aliqua pariatur laboris voluptate aliqua velit aute sunt id est nostrud cupidatat

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