The Red Sox Foundation: Event Sponsorship Requests

From The Red Sox Foundation Inc.

The mission is to make a difference in the lives of children, veterans, families, and communities in need throughout New England by improving their health, educational, and recreational opportunities.

Type of Support


The grant program through the Red Sox Foundation offers event sponsorship opportunities, which include in-kind donations for event auctions and monetary sponsorships ranging from $500-$5,000. These opportunities are aimed at supporting causes critical to the communities in New England and Lee County, FL. With a historical focus on benefiting children, veterans, families, and communities in need by enhancing health, education, and recreation, the foundation in 2021 emphasizes the "Recovery & Rebirth" of Boston, Massachusetts, and New England. Priority is given to organizations aiding vulnerable populations with Food Access, Shelter Security, and Educational Resources, addressing challenges such as the impact of remote learning, mental health, and student engagement among others.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • magna adipisicing velit et anim ex adipisicing duis ullamco
  • tempor veniam aliqua excepteur cupidatat minim pariatur magna culpa elit


Amet ad nisi eiusmod
Cupidatat eiusmod reprehenderit
500 – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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