Established in 2003, the Liberty Mutual Foundation supports communities where it operates. It aims to utilize the expertise, leadership, and financial strength of Liberty Mutual Insurance and its employees to improve the lives of vulnerable neighbors. The foundation focuses on empowering families and individuals facing hardships, primarily in Greater Boston, Greater Puget Sound, and select counties in Washington State. It emphasizes safety, resilience, educational opportunities, and workforce access.
The Safeco Insurance Fund focuses on granting support to nonprofits that empower families and individuals struggling to prosper amidst difficult circumstances, particularly in Seattle/King County. The broad goals of their grant program include providing accessibility for individuals of all abilities, security for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness, and educational opportunities for impoverished children and youth. The fund awards single and multi-year program grants, along with occasional capital and operating support. They offer flexibility to nonprofit organizations and accept discretionary proposals on a rolling basis. Their requests for proposals in specific funding areas come with stated deadlines and are publicly posted, indicating a continuous review process.
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