Libra Foundation Grant

From Libra Foundation Owen W Wells Trustee

The Libra Foundation, inspired by the ideals of balance and fairness akin to its namesake, Libra, aims to maintain a balanced and diverse approach to philanthropy throughout Maine, benefiting all populations. Founded by Elizabeth Noyce in 1989, the foundation focuses on empowering communities and enhancing life quality across a wide spectrum of areas including arts, education, environment, health, human services, justice, public benefit, and religion. It prioritizes innovation in enriching Maine and supporting equitable community development.

Type of Support


The Libra Foundation primarily supports initiatives that aim to improve the quality of life for Maine's residents, with a strong focus on economic development, job creation, and entrepreneurial activity within the state. It grants funding to organizations expected to develop innovative, sustainable Maine-based business initiatives and programs that benefit children. While economic self-sufficiency in funded programs is valued, the foundation also backs projects promising significant social benefits without immediate financial returns. Initiatives like Raising Readers highlight Libra’s effort in societal advancement by fostering early literacy through partnerships with healthcare providers, indicating a broader commitment to social progress alongside economic development.


Organization's Location
cupidatat enim
Program Location
Organization Type
Nisi qui nulla ad nisi nostrud
Elit ut cupidatat ea aliqua cillum mollit
  • veniam enim sint pariatur reprehenderit id Lorem irure eu consequat nisi aliqua cupidatat officia


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up to 25k


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