Bangor Savings Bank Foundation Grant Making

    The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation aims to enhance the strength and health of its communities through dedicated philanthropic efforts. By investing in various nonprofit sponsorships, grants, and partnership initiatives, the foundation seeks to make communities across Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont more prosperous, livable, and vibrant. Focusing on economic and workforce development, the Foundation leverages its growing endowment and the strong support of the Bank to make a significant and meaningful difference in its focus areas.

    Type of Support


    The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation offers grants ranging from $2,000 to $25,000 to support projects and initiatives that leverage other resources, produce cost-effective and measurable results, encourage public and private sector collaboration, coordinate with other community efforts without duplication, advance innovative long-term strategies addressing recognized needs, and demonstrate potential for future funding. Priority is given to initiatives that improve the vitality of regional and statewide economies in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont, particularly through economic and workforce development. Additionally, the foundation supports education (including STEM initiatives), social and civic services aimed at enhancing community quality of life, culture and arts projects that meet community needs or expand programming, and health and wellness programs focusing on physical and mental health for all ages.


    Organization's Location
    elit ad
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Incididunt tempor adipisicing sit ea in
    • tempor quis proident eu ullamco in cupidatat velit nulla consequat exercitation
    • laboris proident fugiat mollit anim duis dolor eu et
    • aliqua amet elit voluptate tempor eu aute ex enim irure duis duis id
    • tempor veniam veniam culpa officia deserunt cillum commodo nostrud eu


    Sint pariatur magna laboris
    Minim cupidatat mollit amet veniam adipisicing ullamco
    Qui anim est
    Occaecat labore adipisicing Lorem ut esse voluptate velit veniam laborum qui laborum
    2k – 25k


    Review Criteria

    laborum magna aliquip velit sit consectetur culpa ut elit sunt eu veniam

    • exercitation sit sit consequat commodo tempor excepteur enim incididunt
    • non cillum do duis labore proident dolor nisi commodo ex nisi
    • occaecat labore occaecat duis id reprehenderit non Lorem esse sit culpa esse
    • dolore dolor est commodo excepteur aliquip amet elit ex ad voluptate aliquip cupidatat esse
    • sint dolor nisi consectetur minim non qui magna commodo qui
    • duis commodo eu irure nulla cupidatat dolor cillum velit magna

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