Lumina Foundation Grant

From Lumina Foundation

Lumina Foundation is dedicated to making opportunities for learning, growth, and thriving accessible to everyone, regardless of background, appearance, or economic status. With a focus on increasing the number of adults holding valuable post-secondary credentials to at least 60% by 2025, Lumina aims to restructure education and training systems. This initiative targets removing systemic barriers that disproportionately affect Black, Hispanic, Latino, and Native American communities, working towards a fair and inclusive society that values and represents all its members equally.

Type of Support


Lumina Foundation's grant program supports large-scale systemic change towards achieving a more inclusive, equitable society where a higher percentage of the adult population holds college degrees, certificates, or other valuable credentials by 2025. The foundation focuses on:

  • Providing access to credential programs for adults, especially those from underrepresented communities.
  • Offering strong academic, financial, and social support to ensure success in acquiring credentials that lead to better job opportunities and economic mobility.
  • Advocating for policies and pathways that address racial disparities in education outcomes and support institutions serving today's diverse student body.
  • Aligning education and training with societal and economic needs to ensure fair representation and social mobility across all demographics. Lumina encourages innovative strategies and partnerships to drive change in education systems, prioritizing racial equity and focusing efforts on community, technical colleges, minority-serving institutions, and state education systems.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and as public charities under section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Code
Public organizations designated under section 170(c) of the Code
  • Located within the United States and its territories
  • Occasionally grants to entities outside the United States to inform work within the United States


Organizations controlled by disqualified persons to Lumina or non-integrated Type III supporting organizations
Partisan political/lobbying efforts
Direct service programs including workforce training, summer bridge programs, ESL courses, GED/test prep, literacy training, social/human services
Discipline-specific or new degree program creation
Curriculum development
Graduate-level/professional programs
Non-strategic research
Institution-specific projects not aimed at systemic change
Individual scholarships/institutional scholarship programs
Capital campaigns/endowments
Equipment only requests
Corporate sponsorships/fundraising events outside Indianapolis
Religious activities
K-12 education reform
Teacher education/training
Meetings/conferences not related to Foundation programs.
not specified


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