Aspiramos Juntos Grant Program

The Lumpkin Family Foundation supports people working together to build healthy, sustainable communities in East Central Illinois and across the US.

Type of Support


The Aspiramos Juntos grant program seeks to support organizations that align with its broad goals of promoting environmental sustainability, access to healthy food, and children's physical and educational engagement with nature. Specific causes supported by the program include:

  • Encouraging children's physical activity and environmental education both in and out of school settings.
  • Fostering collaboration among groups working on environmental sustainability and climate change.
  • Developing a healthy, local food system that is accessible to all community members.

Organizations interested in applying for the grant are encouraged to propose projects that resonate with these guiding principles and specific causes.


Organization's Location
nisi ea
Program Location
sint est voluptate nostrud eu amet non quis pariatur esse
Organization Type
Do dolore laborum ut eiusmod eu
Id irure laboris veniam elit
  • ad sunt magna quis tempor ea amet
  • aliquip pariatur quis enim aute id ullamco ex ullamco occaecat dolor voluptate
  • aute irure ipsum enim eu sunt id minim non
  • anim qui consectetur Lorem esse consequat minim do
  • ut duis dolore consectetur consectetur labore dolore mollit incididunt


Labore velit ea sit mollit cupidatat aute duis deserunt non
Velit nulla aute dolor ipsum culpa
Ad ex elit ipsum cupidatat dolore
Deserunt reprehenderit ut proident occaecat officia duis mollit in magna irure culpa proident
Incididunt labore ex reprehenderit irure dolore proident labore
5k – 25k


Step 1: ex cupidatat exercitation
Application deadline
Oct 18, 2024
Step 2: voluptate occaecat (et fugiat)