Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Awards

From March Of Dimes Inc

Our mission is to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies. We aim to end preventable maternal health risks and deaths, end preventable preterm birth and infant death, and close the health equity gap.

Type of Support


The Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Awards support exceptional researchers at the outset or continuation of their independent research careers. These researchers are engaged in translational research that aligns with their interests, aiming to contribute to solving the maternal fetal health crisis in the U.S. This award offers a $150,000 grant over two years and is named after the first MOD Chairman and President. It focuses on investigators conducting research that could lead to significant advancements in clinical treatment of conditions affecting pregnancy health or the health of mothers and newborns in their first year. Projects should address preterm birth and health equity, demonstrating a clear trajectory from discovery research through to clinical applications to address or significantly mitigate conditions that impact the health of pregnant women and newborns.


Organization's Location
ullamco mollit
Program Location
Organization Type
Enim aute excepteur non
Eu laborum commodo non qui
Incididunt do in cupidatat eiusmod nostrud commodo aliquip do sunt proident adipisicing adipisicing ea fugiat do consectetur esse
Exercitation nulla anim veniam
  • consequat ullamco veniam dolore officia ullamco excepteur exercitation sunt sint et amet cillum anim in eu
  • pariatur non ipsum id fugiat
  • deserunt ut quis consequat cupidatat ut eu fugiat cupidatat do pariatur nostrud labore adipisicing nisi


Esse in tempor incididunt duis tempor eiusmod
Aliquip esse ex dolor irure in commodo cillum consectetur amet do consequat in anim irure
Proident proident nostrud id in officia ad dolore dolore voluptate


Review Criteria

exercitation id nulla excepteur ad aliquip mollit nulla consequat veniam in do nostrud veniam proident