Marillac Mission Fund is a charitable foundation based in St. Louis, devoted to supporting and partnering in efforts to enhance the wellbeing and dignity of individuals facing poverty. This is achieved through funding grants, community engagements, research, and advocacy. It aims to identify and address critical unmet issues in the metro St. Louis area, focusing on those experiencing poverty and vulnerability.
The Marillac Mission Fund's Capacity Building Grant Program supports non-profits ready for organizational improvements aligned with MMF's mission and focus areas, aiming to enhance management, governance, or organizational capacity. Priority is given to projects that empower people to advocate for themselves and improve their quality of life. Specific focus areas include support for Older Adults Living Independently, Immigrants & Refugees, Veterans, and Human Trafficking Prevention, alongside Advocacy & Coalition-Building in these areas. The grant program encourages applicants to undertake activities such as strategic planning, financial and evaluation assessment, program development, communications and marketing, resource development, human resources improvement, information systems management, board development, organizational restructuring, and leadership development. The Standard CBG grants offer up to $25,000 for one year, with a possibility to combine this with a responsive grant, capping the total annual request to MMF at $50,000.
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