Mayo Clinic: Community Contributions Program in Rochester over $5000

From Mayo Clinic

For over 160 years, the Mayo Clinic has been committed to improving the quality of life in communities, nationally, and worldwide. Its mission encompasses advancing patient care, research, and education, alongside ensuring its communities are vibrant, healthy, and welcoming. The Mayo Clinic aims to collaborate with community members to reduce the burden on individuals and humanity, reflecting its dedication as a not-for-profit organization focused on patient care and serving as a private trust for the public good.

Type of Support


The Mayo Clinic Community Contributions Program in Rochester focuses on funding new and ongoing programs that align with their commitment to improving the community. This includes support for human services, education and workforce development, youth enrichment, diversity and inclusion, arts and cultural enrichment, capital campaigns, multi-year grants, and community events. These efforts are guided by the objective of creating an environment that benefits both residents and visitors, alongside sustaining a diverse workforce.


Organization's Location
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