Program & General Operating Support

The McInerny Foundation, one of Hawai‘i's largest charitable foundations, was established with wealth from the McInerny family's clothing business. It is dedicated to making significant contributions primarily in education and social services within Hawaii. Additional focus areas include arts and culture, health, environment, and other projects that enhance the community's well-being.

Type of Support


The McInerny Foundation's grant program targets improving the lives of individuals and families in Hawaii through various fields of interest, including arts and culture, community, education, environment, health, and human services. The program offers support for specific projects and programs aimed at these goals. General Operating Support is provided, typically to organizations with which the Foundation has an established relationship. The grant review process considers factors such as the community's need for the proposed program, the reasonableness of the project's budget, and the applicant's ability to secure and sustain funding for the project.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and classified as a public charity
  • Benefiting the people of Hawaii
  • Only one request a year from an organization
  • All directors must make a personal annual financial contribution
  • Directors must attend Board meetings and volunteer
  • Efforts to gain community and business support are required


Those seeking grants for endowments
Those seeking grants for reserve purposes
Those seeking grants for deficit financing
Those seeking grants for the purchase of real estate
not specified


Review Criteria

Typically, the Foundation favors a collaborative funding approach, encouraging applicants to secure financial support from multiple sources. This strategy ensures the sustainability and ongoing success of the proposed activity.

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