MCCF: Moundridge Grant

From McPherson County Community Foundation

The McPherson County Community Foundation aims to support nonprofit organizations within the McPherson area, focusing on a variety of fields including Arts, Basic Human Needs and Disaster Relief, Children and Youth, Community Development and Leadership, Conservation, Preservation, and Beautification, Education, the Elderly, and Health Care and Mental Health.

Type of Support


The grant program from McPherson County Community Foundation aims at supporting diverse needs through various types of funding. They focus on programs and projects that adhere to their broad areas of interest such as arts, basic needs, disaster relief, youth and children's services, community development, conservation, education, elderly care, healthcare, and mental health. The types of support provided by the review committee include project or program support, operating or general support, seed money for new initiatives, capacity building efforts, and capital campaigns. Grants are awarded with a typical maximum of $10,000 to selected recipients.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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