The GROW Decatur County Foundation Fund, supported by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, aims to provide financial growth to Decatur County through an endowment fund established to support local projects and initiatives. This fund aims to make annual grants available to benefit the county and its communities, fostering development and improvement.
The grant program aims to support a wide range of community improvement and development initiatives within Graham County. It focuses on several key areas including education, to enhance learning environments and opportunities for students; health care, to ensure access to quality services and promote healthy practices; community social services & security, improving access to essential services and disaster relief; conservation & environment, to support air and water quality and appreciate natural environments; arts & culture, to provide cultural and artistic opportunities for residents and tourists; and community beautification, to improve public spaces. The program is flexible in terms of the amount requested, but suggests larger or multi-year requests, especially those previously funded by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, should apply directly to them.
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