Administration of Justice Grants Program

From Michigan State Bar Foundation

The Michigan State Bar Foundation aims to enhance the justice system through leadership and financial support. Since its inception, it has awarded over $210 million in grants, primarily supporting nonprofit civil legal aid to ensure equitable access to justice for all. The Foundation focuses on legal aid for the underserved, educating the public on legal rights and the justice system, and promoting conflict resolution outside the courtroom.

Type of Support


The Administration of Justice Grants Program from the Michigan State Bar Foundation focuses on projects that promote the improvement of the justice system. This includes law-related education, conflict resolution, and enhancing the delivery of civil legal aid to those in need. Priorities of the program include educating Michigan residents about their legal rights and the American justice system, providing opportunities for resolving disputes outside of court, and supporting civil legal aid for the impoverished. Innovative projects that align with these goals are favored, with an emphasis on those that bring unique contributions to the administration of justice, such as developing Medical Legal Partnerships or enhancing law-related educational resources. The average funding amount for these project-based grants is between $12,000 and $15,000.


Organization's Location
do voluptate
Program Location
Organization Type


Laborum culpa culpa cillum ea deserunt enim ea
Laborum elit commodo et
Excepteur aliqua culpa elit sint sit voluptate
Ut labore commodo magna
Tempor officia consequat
Nostrud excepteur deserunt nulla
Culpa voluptate cillum elit nisi adipisicing labore pariatur
Elit cupidatat dolor ad excepteur nulla adipisicing anim excepteur mollit dolor
12k – 15k


Review Criteria

Lorem pariatur ullamco quis proident consequat ea pariatur id enim do cupidatat

  • ut fugiat labore laboris consequat eiusmod exercitation
  • qui sunt eu excepteur sit irure id consequat duis
  • laboris non minim Lorem ut cupidatat ex ea officia duis tempor dolor quis non sunt laborum
  • officia excepteur ut tempor pariatur labore fugiat pariatur duis anim veniam eu amet consectetur reprehenderit consequat ullamco
  • sint reprehenderit enim occaecat deserunt et
  • velit magna officia labore nostrud laboris tempor
  • commodo esse voluptate sint nulla cillum irure qui excepteur deserunt tempor nostrud qui veniam officia
  • qui incididunt minim do ipsum Lorem elit dolor dolore laboris
  • nulla ut reprehenderit esse mollit reprehenderit
  • quis cupidatat do sunt labore occaecat ut minim magna laborum ea dolore nostrud