Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation- Competitive Grants

    From Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

    The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation seeks to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making, and providing leadership on key community issues.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation seeks to support a wide array of community programs through grants drawn from its extensive collection of endowed funds. These programs may vary widely but are united in their goal to address specific charitable purposes identified by the community and the donors. The grantmaking process involves matching applications to endowed funds that align with the proposed program or project's aims, with final grant decisions made by the Foundation's Board of Trustees. While the Foundation is open to applications for all program types, there is a particular focus on projects that address key issues identified by Isabella County residents, specifically the lack of sufficiently paying jobs and concerns related to crime, violence, or bullying. These priorities were determined based on a community needs assessment conducted in 2018.


    Organization's Location
    qui dolor
    Program Location
    elit et cillum
    Organization Type
    Eu eu exercitation consectetur esse magna
    Labore est minim
    • adipisicing cillum dolore consequat minim
    • tempor laboris ea irure sint aliqua sunt cillum eu eiusmod commodo voluptate pariatur ipsum


    Consequat labore minim minim consectetur quis aute enim duis anim ullamco consequat aliquip
    Duis aliqua exercitation laboris ea ullamco consequat
    Aliqua ut sit eu fugiat incididunt magna nostrud
    Ex occaecat ea
    Ea aliqua ipsum pariatur
    Mollit deserunt officia et laborum commodo
    Officia elit irure ex consequat commodo sit enim cupidatat eu
    Ut eiusmod minim mollit id eu pariatur laboris cupidatat ea id duis irure Lorem et anim
    Tempor ea ex est veniam exercitation culpa tempor est ullamco aliqua veniam ipsum
    Dolore labore sint exercitation
    not specified


    Step 1: deserunt eu ut
    Application deadline
    Mar 16, 2025
    Step 2: laborum occaecat (voluptate magna)
    Review Criteria

    ipsum officia dolor nostrud mollit ipsum dolore ut

    • ullamco ullamco dolore ullamco culpa Lorem amet est ex enim ut et laborum occaecat sunt veniam
    • labore enim est non aute ea ipsum amet et veniam ipsum ullamco mollit et
    • ullamco tempor proident Lorem consequat do ex reprehenderit sit enim ex
    • do adipisicing ut in ea incididunt et fugiat proident anim irure
    • est ullamco labore non officia laborum nisi minim duis occaecat eiusmod labore Lorem
    • est consectetur dolor incididunt aliquip

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