The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, operational since 2015, dedicates itself to continuing Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.'s legacy of generosity, innovation, and community focus primarily in Southeast Michigan and Western New York. It commits to spending down its funds by 2035, emphasizing urgent, collaborative investments that yield immediate and long-term benefits, aiming for transformative community shifts through collaboration, vision, and courage.
The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation focuses its investments on four key areas: Active Lifestyles, Preparing for Success, Caregivers, and Entrepreneurship & Economic Development. The goal is to support the creation of lifelong healthy habits from youth through adulthood with safe, accessible recreation spaces and programs; foster essential life and career skills for all ages; highlight and support the critical roles of caregivers; and stimulate economic recovery and growth through small business support, community development, and talent retention.
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