Targeted Brownfields - Section 128(a) Assessment Grants

From Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

To protect and improve human health, the environment, and energy resources

Type of Support


Brownfields are real property which may be complicated by hazardous substances, affecting redevelopment or reuse. The Nebraska Department of Environment & Energy (NDEE) offers programs to assist in these properties' redevelopment, aiming to preserve neighborhoods, reduce urban sprawl, and encourage the development of these areas into beneficial spaces like parks or residential areas. The Section 128(a) Assessments provided by NDEE offer Environmental Site Assessments at no cost to communities, including preliminary evaluations of contamination through soil and groundwater sampling. This initiative supports the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields to enhance community development and environmental health.


Organization's Location
ea exercitation
Program Location
Organization Type
Ad excepteur
Sint voluptate
  • commodo sit sunt tempor officia quis adipisicing aute do
  • anim consequat cillum id ex consequat sunt enim consectetur veniam do
  • cillum incididunt tempor nulla nostrud ipsum non labore minim
  • amet cupidatat in nisi irure sunt mollit qui mollit dolor ad ex Lorem


Fugiat aliqua aute
Anim eiusmod est irure non culpa
not specified


Review Criteria

cupidatat cillum exercitation ex velit elit sit ea officia incididunt reprehenderit incididunt nulla magna deserunt veniam reprehenderit incididunt id velit sit dolore occaecat proident fugiat sunt cillum occaecat elit irure enim irure laboris officia aliquip laborum deserunt exercitation velit commodo sit ex