Nonpoint Source Management Grants (Section 319): Small Project Assistance Grants

From Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

To protect and improve human health, the environment, and energy resources

Type of Support


The broad goal of the Nonpoint Source Water Quality Grants (Section 319) is to provide financial assistance for the prevention and abatement of nonpoint source water pollution, supporting implementation of the state Nonpoint Source Management Plan. Funding is available to governmental units, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Additionally, the grant program includes Small Project Assistance Grants, which offer rapid funding for small projects addressing nonpoint source pollution, with unique opportunities that require immediate funding. Grants are capped at $15,000 with a non-federal match requirement of 40% of the total project cost and a sponsor cash match requirement of 10% of the total project cost. Projects have a time limit of 1 year.


Organization's Location
cillum est
Program Location
Organization Type
Sunt incididunt magna
Nostrud veniam
Id eiusmod
  • laborum voluptate ad qui non culpa id
  • proident esse quis proident ullamco
  • aliquip pariatur occaecat do exercitation nulla occaecat ea ea
up to 15k


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