Nonpoint Source Management Grants (Section 319): Watershed-Based Projects

From Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

To protect and improve human health, the environment, and energy resources

Type of Support


The Nonpoint Source Water Quality Grants (Section 319) aim to support efforts for the prevention and abatement of nonpoint source water pollution. These grants provide financial assistance to government units, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations engaged in projects that further the goals of the state's Nonpoint Source Management Plan. Specific focus is placed on large-scale watershed or groundwater recharge area projects that adhere to a 9-element watershed management plan or basin plan, with a grant limit of $300,000 and a requirement for a 40% non-federal match of the total project cost. Additionally, a 10% cash match from the project sponsor is required, and projects must be completed within a 3-year timeframe.


Organization's Location
sunt minim
Program Location
Organization Type
Minim excepteur et
Est quis
Fugiat occaecat
  • consequat mollit esse ut excepteur dolor
  • ipsum ut do in duis
  • occaecat irure nisi
  • occaecat enim
up to 300k


Step 1: non sunt deserunt
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: adipisicing excepteur (sunt dolor)

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