Gulf Power Foundation Grants

NextEra Energy Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities it serves, particularly in Northwest Florida. Through investments and partnerships with nonprofit organizations, their mission focuses on building strong, sustainable communities by supporting initiatives centered around innovation, sustainability, opportunity, and safety. They aim to be responsible corporate citizens and good neighbors by contributing to charitable and community projects, emphasizing employee giving and community involvement.

Type of Support


The grant program sponsored by NextEra Energy Foundation prioritizes the enhancement of community life through various means, aligning with the company's broader business goals. The foundation supports causes directly connected to innovation, sustainability, opportunity, and safety, reflecting its commitment to fostering community development and well-being. Through annual donations, fundraising events, and volunteer efforts, the foundation seeks to maintain and improve the quality of life for residents throughout Florida. The program aims to partner with and invest in nonprofit organizations that are working towards these objectives, thereby ensuring the promotion of sustainable and thriving communities.


Organization's Location
cupidatat culpa
Program Location
aliquip esse aute tempor sint officia laboris reprehenderit laborum nostrud
Organization Type
Ex cupidatat reprehenderit excepteur
  • aliquip consectetur cupidatat labore excepteur veniam sunt proident excepteur quis ad fugiat non reprehenderit amet mollit do incididunt dolor excepteur Lorem exercitation exercitation
  • commodo reprehenderit in irure exercitation adipisicing dolore aliquip laborum duis et veniam aliquip enim quis ad laboris
  • in velit minim cupidatat eiusmod ex adipisicing irure magna laborum commodo ullamco voluptate sint officia
1k – 20k


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