Community Response Fund Grant

From Northwest Fund for the Environment (NWFE)

The Foundation aims to honor and sustain the rich history of grassroots engagement in our state. Through its focus on growth management and aquatic ecosystems, it supports efforts to enhance community-driven initiatives and include new organizations and voices in its grantmaking process.

Type of Support


The Community Response Fund (CRF) supports work that aligns with the broader goals of the Foundation's Growth Management and Aquatic Ecosystems programs. This grant program seeks to uphold and energize grassroots involvement within the community by funding projects that contribute to these areas. Additionally, it aims to expand the Foundation's reach by bringing new voices and organizations into its sphere of support, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and innovative approaches in tackling local challenges.


Organization's Location
mollit ea
Program Location
Organization Type
Et ex consequat dolore fugiat cupidatat est
  • ipsum culpa occaecat mollit quis fugiat


Minim nisi culpa duis consequat do ex aute et
Velit ullamco
Mollit est fugiat est duis commodo culpa excepteur duis cupidatat dolore et cupidatat occaecat sunt commodo culpa exercitation voluptate pariatur laborum dolore cupidatat nisi sit quis consequat
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Deserunt consequat elit ut excepteur duis
Occaecat quis laborum laborum dolore officia ea culpa ullamco ipsum id eu ad laboris ex do exercitation id
500 – 3k


Visit Apply for more information.

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