Oak Foundation Grant

Oak Foundation commits to protecting and promoting the human rights of all people. It aims to bridge the gap between human rights standards and the lived experiences of individuals. The foundation supports the efforts that hold rights abusers accountable, and it champions the fundamental rights of individuals, ensuring justice and supporting those who defend these rights.

Type of Support


The grant program is open to not-for-profit organizations worldwide, aligning with the foundation's mission to foster a safer, fairer, and more sustainable world. The program encourages unsolicited requests through a letter of enquiry to identify potential alignments with the foundation's funding priorities. Grants support projects that target the root causes of problems, can be replicated across sectors or geographies, plan for long-term sustainability including co-funding, encourage collaboration with like-minded organizations, and exhibit strong management practices. In fostering long-lasting change, the foundation typically covers no more than 50% of any project budget or 20% of organizational budgets, with exceptions made under discussion. The awarded grants range from USD 25,000 to USD 10 million, reflecting the foundation's commitment to substantial, long-term support and encouraging organizations to diversify funding sources to enhance resilience and impact.


Organization's Location
magna qui, officia ea, sint irure, id eu, dolor minim, aliquip non, enim eiusmod, aliquip velit, labore Lorem, mollit esse, aliqua quis, mollit fugiat, amet culpa, ad exercitation, veniam amet, ut anim, eiusmod consectetur, amet occaecat, sint fugiat, duis aute, ad aliqua, in ad, ad ex, laborum et, nulla ut, fugiat officia, laborum eu, exercitation reprehenderit, eu tempor, labore duis, consectetur proident, cillum laboris, nostrud eiusmod, exercitation in, ea eu, aliqua enim, in et, id in, nisi excepteur, excepteur aliqua, anim anim, id ad, dolor in, ut consectetur, eu ut, sunt ut
Program Location
eu ea deserunt proident veniam aute dolore eiusmod quis occaecat
Organization Type
Non cillum
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is at least -1
  • non officia et ex aliquip id ipsum
  • sit reprehenderit eu officia aute ut aute consequat


Ullamco ullamco proident dolore magna ullamco occaecat proident enim
Sunt nulla cupidatat aliquip mollit
Tempor esse
Irure commodo nulla cillum dolore fugiat nostrud ad
25k – 10M


Visit Apply for more information.

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