Oak Foundation - Housing and Homelessness Grant Program

Oak Foundation commits to protecting and promoting the human rights of all people. It aims to bridge the gap between human rights standards and the lived experiences of individuals. The foundation supports the efforts that hold rights abusers accountable, and it champions the fundamental rights of individuals, ensuring justice and supporting those who defend these rights.

Type of Support


The grant program is designed to address the structural causes of homelessness and housing insecurity, such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. It prioritizes:

  1. Renter Rights, supporting organizations that help low-income renters access affordable, decent homes, promote fair tenancy agreements, and challenge discrimination.
  2. Supply and Access to genuinely affordable and decent homes, backing campaigns to improve housing supply for those with the lowest income or facing discrimination, support community ownership models, and empower community-led housing advocacy.
  3. Reduction and Prevention of Homelessness, by empowering people with complex needs, advocating for prevention strategies, and improving access to supported and longer-term housing options.

The program funds organizations in the US (specifically in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia) and the UK (in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Bristol, Birmingham, London, and the Midlands), along with those working nationally in both countries.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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