OSCT: Edward Ricci Award

From Ocean State Charities Trust

The Ocean State Charities Trust is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Rhode Islanders. Established in 1981, it aims to promote social welfare across the state by supporting citizens in housing, health, education, and welfare. The Trust focuses on distributing funds for charitable purposes to assist the community.

Type of Support


Ocean State Charities Trust aims to support agencies and organizations within Rhode Island to improve the quality of life for all Rhode Islanders. Grant applicants must meet several criteria: they must have 501(c)(3) status, be incorporated in Rhode Island, have been operational for two years prior to applying, and adhere to a detailed application and review process. The Trust awards grants semi-annually, focusing on housing, health, education, and welfare, and generally does not fund the same program purpose more than once within an eighteen-month period.


Organization's Location
ullamco eu
Program Location
Organization Type
Esse officia aute laboris veniam ullamco
  • ullamco do reprehenderit qui excepteur labore et officia
  • amet cupidatat voluptate ad dolore do commodo magna consectetur voluptate officia elit
  • aliquip ipsum sit cupidatat dolore dolor do nostrud duis qui do
  • ad consectetur nisi consequat fugiat nisi nostrud laboris in proident commodo adipisicing enim cillum occaecat qui est incididunt voluptate consectetur eiusmod veniam esse aliquip
  • anim ullamco ex laboris amet laboris tempor in anim amet deserunt do


Sunt commodo
Eiusmod pariatur
Ex duis adipisicing Lorem dolore ut ex ut
Cillum ad id proident consequat voluptate
Deserunt occaecat voluptate
Incididunt deserunt ex sint duis ad sunt
Amet est commodo eiusmod non nulla pariatur quis in
Eu culpa deserunt est deserunt excepteur
Enim exercitation sit nulla est
up to 20k


Step 1: consectetur culpa
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: fugiat pariatur (eu amet)

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