Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation Grants

From Bristol County Savings Bank

The Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation aims to create a more equitable place to live and work, improving the quality of life for everyone in our communities. Through funding and support, the foundation focuses on enhancing education and literacy, economic development, affordable housing, and addressing critical needs and sustainability concerns to positively impact the community's well-being.

Type of Support


The Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation grant program supports broad goals across several areas: Education & Literacy, Economic Development, Affordable Housing, and Critical Needs/Sustainability. This range of focus areas includes support for various educational programs, economic well-being initiatives, affordable housing solutions, and response to new critical needs due to circumstances like Covid-19 and social injustice. Funding varies in size with the aim to assist as many qualified organizations as possible. Restrictions include limitations on receiving one-time grants up to $10,000 per year or being subject to caps on large dollar multi-year grants, with specific conditions on additional funding during the multi-year period.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 10k


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