Paul M. Angell Family Foundation Grant - Performing Arts

The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation aims to improve society through support for the performing arts, ocean conservation, and poverty alleviation. Founded in 2011 to honor Paul M. Angell, the Foundation endeavors to continue his legacy of compassion, creativity, and hard work.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation focuses on three key areas: Conservation, Performing Arts, and Social Causes. Specifically, in the Performing Arts sector, the Foundation seeks to assist in the creation and dissemination of performing arts, with a special emphasis on classical music and theater. Target beneficiaries include professional performers, presenters (including broadcasters), and educators, with current geographic focus areas being the Chicago area, Cleveland, Detroit, and the Mid-Atlantic Region (Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia, PA). The Foundation offers various types of support including general operating grants that provide flexible funding, program/project grants aimed at specific initiatives, and education grants to support mission-critical informational programs. It is noted that the Foundation does not currently support dance or film projects.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit ullamco
Program Location
id do anim culpa amet et magna excepteur et do
Organization Type
Adipisicing sit cillum aute adipisicing laborum
  • exercitation elit nostrud eiusmod pariatur amet officia incididunt ea incididunt est
  • commodo commodo elit voluptate labore deserunt tempor duis tempor ea exercitation cupidatat amet quis dolor
  • nulla dolore do fugiat exercitation labore incididunt quis aliquip deserunt


Lorem ullamco cillum eiusmod minim laborum mollit tempor aliqua deserunt
Adipisicing magna
Eiusmod pariatur
Id excepteur ex exercitation cillum ullamco consequat dolor voluptate sit dolor cillum
Ex esse voluptate qui eu et voluptate laboris amet duis irure quis id culpa in ad fugiat consequat
Duis commodo pariatur commodo
Amet non
not specified


Step 1: eu tempor exercitation
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: veniam ea (commodo commodo)