P.E.A.R.L. Pledge

From Pearl Milling Company

Pearl Milling Company focuses on empowering and supporting the Black community through dedicated grants aimed at fostering opportunities for Black women and girls in America. Their endeavor seeks to alleviate systemic barriers and encourage holistic wellness, equal opportunities in education and entrepreneurship, elevate representation in various fields, and develop leadership skills among the community they serve.

Type of Support


The P.E.A.R.L. Pledge is a comprehensive multi-year grant program aimed at promoting the empowerment and success of Black women and girls across America. This initiative supports nonprofit organizations working towards creating opportunities within the Black community based on five guiding principles: Prosperity, Empowerment, Access, Representation, and Leadership. These pillars are designed to address systemic barriers in areas such as food, housing, employment, and wealth; inspire confidence and holistic wellness; enhance educational and entrepreneurial opportunities; elevate the representation in fields like the culinary arts and media; and develop critical leadership skills among Black women and girls.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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not specified


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