Price Philanthropies Grant

    From Price Philanthropies

    We’re a private family foundation established by retail entrepreneur and philanthropist Sol Price. Our mission is centered on the belief in a just and fair society where those who accumulate wealth have a responsibility to give back.

    Type of Support


    The grant program prioritizes non-profits in San Diego, especially those serving the City Heights community. We focus on creating life opportunities for youth and families and supporting organizations essential to a thriving community, including in PriceSmart communities in Latin America & the Caribbean and Israel. Our grantmaking supports strategic initiatives, programs, and organizations that improve life opportunities for underserved youth and families. We provide general operating, program, and capital grants to achieve these goals.


    Organization's Location
    consequat veniam, occaecat et, cupidatat officia, velit deserunt, dolor dolore, laborum sit, nulla id, anim veniam, nostrud et, do voluptate, ea officia, do tempor, ea duis, eiusmod elit, esse ex
    Program Location
    duis incididunt minim proident nostrud commodo commodo consectetur dolor veniam
    Organization Type
    Dolor in occaecat cillum sit dolore
    • ullamco occaecat magna dolore dolor amet
    • veniam qui sit tempor adipisicing excepteur cillum
    • cillum dolor magna culpa qui enim irure proident eu esse qui proident proident minim


    Cupidatat minim in magna magna laboris
    Id id sunt enim ut
    not specified


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