The Rachel Barton Pine (RBP) Foundation’s Grant for Education and Career

    From The Rachel Barton Pine Foundation (RBP)

    The Rachel Barton Pine (RBP) Foundation aims to support young musicians in their educational and career endeavors. It focuses on alleviating the financial pressures associated with developing a music career by providing grants.

    Type of Support


    The RBP Foundation's Grants for Education and Career are designed to assist young artists with various expenses related to their musical education and career advancement. Specifically, the grant covers costs such as supplemental lesson fees, entrance fees for competitions, costs for audition recording sessions, travel expenses related to lessons, competitions or auditions, sheet music purchases, piano accompanist fees, and the repair and maintenance of instruments. Typical grant awards range from $500 to $1500.


    Organization's Location
    id magna
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • do incididunt aute esse culpa ad sunt fugiat consequat eiusmod anim reprehenderit ea et pariatur est nostrud anim id nulla elit cillum duis eu
    • et minim id aliquip velit cillum
    • laboris dolor consequat aute sit commodo ea nulla tempor deserunt fugiat
    • ea eiusmod incididunt tempor elit excepteur excepteur aute velit laborum ipsum mollit enim eiusmod qui consectetur aliquip


    Ipsum ea exercitation amet amet excepteur quis
    Eiusmod voluptate Lorem non aute tempor anim
    Eiusmod dolore exercitation qui excepteur ipsum duis amet
    500 – 1.5K


    Visit Apply for more information.